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News highlights of Changhong IT (January- February)






At the beginning of 2020, with the outbreak of the epidemic as the background, Changhong IT made prompt action, carried out epidemic prevention work in an orderly manner during its return-to-work period. Based on the platform operations and management advantages, we acted positively as a good connector, gathered the strength of manufacturers and agents and has provided strong support for partners as well as for the front line. After returning to work, Changhong IT has integrated resources from top to bottom and ensured the normal operations of its business. At the same time, the company has continuously expanded the business field, signed new partners, and broadened its friends’ circle. Besides, it has been rewarded for its outstanding operations and contributions to its partners in the whole year of 2019. Now, let's take a look at what happened to Changhong IT in the last two months!

Signing new partners

01、 Cloud contract-signing! Changhong IT and Huawei has reached the cooperation intention of the general distributor in China

Recently, Huawei and Changhong IT announced that the two companies have reached the cooperation intention of Changhong IT as the general distributor in China. Based on the collaboration of Huawei cloud WeLink platform and CloudLink Board, the two sides have signed the contract online. With the online witness of numerous media, the two sides have reached the intention of cooperation. Looking forward to the future, the two sides will open a wider space for blue-ocean value and achieve the new future of Win-win Ecology.


02、 Changhong IT signed with ZEISS

New friends for the new year! Changhong IT formally reached strategic cooperation with ZEISS, becoming the national general agent of ZEISS’s products on natural observation and film lenses. The two sides will give full play to their industrial advantages, explore the national market together and conduct a deeper cooperation in e-commerce and offline new retail, education, public security, electricity, forestry and other industries, as well as promote business development and product extension.

Changhong IT has won a series of awards

 03 、Changhong IT is conferred the "2019 Excellent Operation Award" of the Changhong Group

On January 15, Changhong Holding Group held its 1st and 4th staff (trade union members) congress, the 2019 Annual Technology Innovation Conference and 2020 Annual Policy Target Pledge Conference in its headquarters in Mianyang. The conference commended the business units with outstanding operation and organization in 2019. Changhong IT won the "2019 Excellent Operations Award." For Changhong IT, 2019 was not only a year of harvest, but also a year that focused on innovation and upgrading. In 2020, with all the honors from the past, Changhong IT will remain true to its original aspiration, continue to be a good connector in the ICT ecosystem, dare to innovate and shoulder the responsibility bravely to start the new journey of development!

04 、Changhong IT was presented with Colasoft’s “2019 Outstanding Partner Award"

On January 17, Colasoft held its annual meeting in Chengdu on the theme "Seize the Day and Live It to the Full," where Colasoft rewarded its partners. Changhong IT won the "2019 Outstanding Partner Award" with its close cooperation, wide channel coverage and effective coordination in expansion during the year. Changhong IT has been adhering to the business philosophy of "Be a good partner to help grow and support success” all along. It has provided Colasoft and all its partners with help on the development of channel construction, regional expansion, innovative technology, and service support, committed to providing more excellent and comprehensive ICT services.

05 、Changhong IT was awarded the Schneider's "Annual Outstanding Contribution Award on General Agent" for its critical power business

At the end of February, Schneider Electric's "Channel Partner Summit of Critical Power Business 2020” was held online for the first time with “GROWTH" as its theme. On the meeting, as an important partner of Schneider Electric's critical power business, Changhong IT continued to win the "Annual Outstanding Contribution Award for General Agents.” This is the 16th time that Changhong IT won the award. In the future, Changhong IT will continue to work side by side with Schneider Electric to gain insights into industry trends and new cooperation opportunities, committed to offer its channel partners with more innovative products and solutions for a win-win future!

The epidemic-prevention work after returning to work

06、 Changhong IT and the group make joint efforts to ensure epidemic prevention and arrangements on returning-to-work

With the epidemic breaking in full fury, Changhong IT and Changhong Group acted quickly together and devoted themselves to the prevention and control of the epidemic. At the very first moment of the outbreak, Changhong IT established an emergency treatment team and issued relevant prevention and control notices. On February 3, the whole company returned to work at home online. On the 17, all the staff (except the Wuhan branch) returned to their positions. Changhong IT prepared the whole set of the epidemic prevention tools for the staff and did disinfection of the office area several times a day, thus the whole company was able to the keep a normal working state.

Make contributions to partners

 07 、Changhong IT coordinates actively to make contributions to their partners

After the outbreak of the epidemic, different departments of business and platform of Changhong IT started to communicate and cooperate with each other in advance before returning to work, confirming the sources of goods with the business department and manufacturers and getting a good command of demands from downstream. The allocation of capital and logistics resources On February 3, Changhong IT made a quick move after noting the demands of channel partners for Apple, DELL and other products. With the joint efforts of all departments, the business Changhong IT was under orderly operation. Take Apple's business as an example, it delivered 26 times to its partners in February, with more than 250,000 units and 30 vehicle guarantees, with zero-rejection rate on all products under immediate delivery.

08、 Work together to fight the "epidemic", Changhong IT customizes support policies for channel partners

Facing the epidemic, Changhong IT never forgets the principle of "Being a good partner to help growth and support success," keeps a close eye on the actual situation of channel partners. February 2, Changhong IT published the emergency adjustment policy for overdue receivable penalties during the outbreak for its channel partners. This had provided the partners involved in the epidemic area with thoughtful help. Changhong IT had sent timely warmth and strong support to channel partners with practical action.

09、 Changhong IT holds special training sessions on Lenovo YOGA S740, sending love through the air

In February 2020, with the launch of Lenovo's new YOGA S740 products, Changhong IT offered 20 online trainings in 22 regions within one week to promote the front-end sales of the products. At the same time, 150 agents were organized to participate in relevant training sessions. Similar training sessions are still being promoted. The professional sales team of Changhong IT keeps excellent working state as always, aiming to provide comprehensive product training and market guidance for partners. Besides, the company has assigned special persons to take charge of each region, providing a variety of consulting services for partners efficiently.

 Hearts united as one to fight the epidemic

 10、Supporting the frontline is of great urgency -- Changhong IT connects partners to fight the “epidemic"

During the outbreak, Changhong IT has guaranteed the normal operations of the business and provided strong support for the epidemic-prevention front line, by virtue of its strong platform operations and management advantages. On February 2, Changhong IT coordinated with partners to successfully deliver switchboards to Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center with 5 days in advance; On February 5, Changhong IT, together with Avaya and several partners donated the remote inspection system to Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital. Facing needs of great emergency, Changhong IT insisted that special means for special things and integrated transportation resources promptly to meet the emergency needs of the Shenzhen Third People's Hospital, Pudong Health Commission and other first-line departments and has guaranteed the normal operations of the epidemic prevention and control work.

11、 Changhong IT offers help to Avaya on the development of remote inspection system

 In February, Changhong IT co-worked with manufacturers of Avaya to carry out the customized development of the remote inspection system APP. Now the APP has been successfully deployed in Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital. During the outbreak, the remote inspection system bridges the communication between patients and their families, and effectively eliminates the potential risk of cross-infection. In order to offer further support to the prevention and control of the epidemic, Changhong IT started special cooperation with ICT manufacturers to analyze the popular technologies and different cases behind the war of fighting the "epidemic" with science and technology and arranged online analysis on February 28. With hearts united as one, Changhong IT provided the front line with science and technology assistance to respond effectively to the "epidemic".